Free Consult is Totally Free!

Why wait for great? Test drive Sage’s phone services for FREE! (First 10 minutes free for first-time, non-emergency clients only). Discover more peace and understanding for the cost of absolutely nothing.

Try out Animal Communication, Animal Hospice Consulting, Intuitive Readings, Life Coaching, Shamanic Healing, Wedding/Funeral Services or some Sage Advice.

Shopping for a Professional Certified Life Coach? Try a FREE 1/2 Hour Life Coaching Intake Session (Individuals/Couples) via phone/Zoom worldwide. Let’s see how we rock and roll, and what the next step is to creating an even greater life! Six-month commitment is recommended.

Give Sage a try today, and get ready to become happier, healthier, and better behaved! Totally FREE!

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**Non-emergency sessions only for first-time free option. All services with Dancing Porcupine are supplemental and complementary and are not a replacement for regular veterinary and medical care.**

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